My First Generosity – split function

Here My first try to put some useful VC++ code..

This is function which similar to VB Split command more or less of STRTOK with output as an array.

If need include this as I am using CString for an array out.

//#include <afx.h> //#include <afxcmn.h>
Function here follows.
CString *split(CString str,char delimiter)
{  long len=0;  if(str.IsEmpty())  return NULL;  len=str.GetLength();  CString *st;  st=new CString[len];  int c=0;  while(1)  { int pos=str.Find(delimiter);   if(pos!=-1)   {  st=str.Left(pos); str.Delete(0,pos+1);  }  else  { st=str;  break;  }   c++;  }  return st;

This function can be used with different delimiters, as an example here below:

CString strFulltext = "Hello World this is Abhay Menon";CString *strArry = split(strFulltext,' ');

output like:


Well hope you like this piece of code..


My original post from here