HeadStart of java script

I am trying to learn javascript.there is some more exmaple, which can help for beginner in java script.In this first exmaple.We are creating an Html page.In this we are writing a funtion named

RandomNumber which will generate random number.I am taking sine from it and take the absolute value. This will get a number between 0 and 1.For every millisecond time changes and we got some unique number.In the script we use RandomNumber function.

In the second example I am writing code for email validation in java script for input text.User will enter email.If user will not entered ‘@’ in email address.Then it will give alert of invalid email address.


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I am an Oracle ACE in Oracle ADF/Webcenter. Sr Java Consultant-working on Java/J2EE/Oracle ADF/Webcenter Portal/ content and Hibernate for several years. I'm an active member of the OTN JDeveloper/Webcenter forum. Passionate about learning new technologies. I am here to share my knowledge. Give your views and suggestion on [email protected] .

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