changing the width of input text in ADF | Techartifact

Requirment – to manage the width of an input text.

Solution- A very small tip on ADF. We have panel form layout , inside that we have multiple input text which is bind to db table column which is set as datatype to verchar2(1000) .then the input text will go beyond the expected limit.How to change the width.

In the input text property there is property called columns.You can give some value like 200 or 300 according to your need.
and it will change the width.

Happy coding with Techartifact


I am an Oracle ACE in Oracle ADF/Webcenter. Sr Java Consultant-working on Java/J2EE/Oracle ADF/Webcenter Portal/ content and Hibernate for several years. I'm an active member of the OTN JDeveloper/Webcenter forum. Passionate about learning new technologies. I am here to share my knowledge. Give your views and suggestion on [email protected] .

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