Get the display value of selectonechoice or LOV in bean – Oracle ADF

I found one approach to get the display value of LOV in managed bean using  ADFUtils.evaluateEl method.

Say if you have a value change listener for an lov,  valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() gives the index of the value. To get the display value of the lov, use below logic  :

public void onDeptNameChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {

Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString()+


String deptNameStr = deptNameAttribute .toString();  // This should have the selected display value of lov.


Say if you want to access the display value of LOV, in any other method, other than valueChange listener, then use below code :

Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+ADFUtils.getBoundAttributeValue("deptId")+"'].label}");

Here deptId is the code of this lov.  Hope this is helpful.

Happy learning with Techartifact……

Chaitanya tupurani

Hello. I am a software professional working on Java/J2EE having 6 years of experience...I am learning more concepts on Core Java, Oracle ADF, PL/SQL, Hibernate, Springs. I want to share my knowledge while I am learning these technologies..

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