Export Few column to excel using propertyListener in ADF Video
If you want to export only few of the column of your table in ADF then follow this approach
inside exportCollectionListener use propertyListener like
<af:commandButton text= "Export To excel" id= "cb1" >
<af:setPropertyListener from= "true"
to= "#{pageFlowScope.hideSomeColumns}"
type= "action" />
<af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId= "t1" type= "excelHTML"
title= "Employee"
filename= "EmployeeData.xls" />
<af:setPropertyListener from= "false"
to= "#{pageFlowScope.hideSomeColumns}"
type= "action" />
and inside columns you can write an el in visible property as
] <af:column sortProperty= "#{bindings.Employees1.hints.LastName.name}"
sortable= "false"
headerText= "#{bindings.Employees1.hints.LastName.label}"
id= "c7"
visible= "#{pageFlowScope.hideSomeColumns ne true}" >