Fall back to system properties with Spring framework

Spring allows to you, to fall-back on system properties, if you not added any corresponding values with that.
That is really a cool feature. If you need to look up,some system properties , you don’t need to do any thing
just configure your bean and Spring will take care that.

These are the some of SYSTEM_PROPTTIRES that you set in your bean


SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_FALLBACK       Check system properties if not resolvable in the specified properties.
SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_NEVER          Never check system properties.
SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_OVERRIDE       Check system properties first, before trying the specified properties.

see here for more information PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Jetspeed2 Statistics Engine

Jetspeed 2 has inbuilt feature of statics, statics engine track all the portlet, pages and users.
All this information stored in database. so can be access and used any time.

statics engine keep track of

Number of time served
Max time taken in executing page/portlet
Avg time taken in executing page/portlet
Min time taken in executing page/portlet

It doesn’t have very good interface, but very use full of statics purpose for porltet
As only container can tell exact time take in execution of a portlet

Jetpseed2 allows you to disable statistics engine. by tweaking [/WEB-INF/assembly/statistics.xml].
It also gives small performance boost.

logging to console can be enable/disable by changing the constructor-0 argument to ture or false.
Database logging can be enable/disable by changing the constructor-1 argument to true or false.

<!-- Statistics Implementation -->
<bean id="PortalStatistics"
<!-- logToCLF -->
<constructor-arg index='0' type="boolean"><value>false</value></constructor-arg>

<!-- logToDatabase -->
<constructor-arg  index='1'  type="boolean"><value>true</value></constructor-arg>

Configure Forget password in Jetspeed2

In Jetspeed 2 portal registered users can retrieve there password using via email.
In lot of instance portal administrator doesn’t configure mail server properly, Which causes this problem.
Portal Administrator should fill following configuration in administration.xm under (WEB-INF/assembly/) to enable mail sending from jetspeed 2

<bean id="mailSender" class="org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl">
<property name="host"><value>localhost</value></property>
<property name="username"><value></value></property>
<property name="password"><value></value></property>
<property name="javaMailProperties">
<prop key="mail.smtp.auth">false</prop>