I got this problem when i got my new machine of windows 8 64 bit machine.Oracle say ,it will not work in 64 bit. 🙁
what! i can use jdev in my new machine.Oh no.But i found solution on net and thought of sharing you all.
When you install oracle xe in 64 bit .you can.when you installing , you will get weird error. like 
This is failed to happen because was that the installer didn’t write a Registry Key’s Data value. You can add the missing registry key’s Data value, and then click OK on the Error dialog box to continue the installation.
What is that? Installer is not able to instantiate at specified location.I went to that location file is there.

You need to add the message value from your Error dialog as Data value of the Name entry 1, like this screenshot shows:

Thats it.
you need to edit the registry.now how to open registry –
windows 7 – go to run and type regedit.
windows 8-
1 .If you are on the Windows 8 desktop, point the cursor at the lower right corner of the screen. Click the “Search” option as soon as it pops up on the left-side of the screen. If you are on the Metro UI Start Screen, point the cursor at the lower left corner of the screen and click the right mouse button. Now select the “Search” option on the context menu.
2. When you perform either of the above actions, Windows 8 will load the “Apps” screen. Type “regedit” into the search bar located on the right side of the “Apps” screen.
3. Click the “regedit” search result on the left side of the “Apps” screen. If you see a UAC dialog box, click “Yes” to open the Windows 8 Registry Editor.
if you open regedit then follow the screen shot

Click on the arrow symbol to the left of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT node to expand the node tree. Scroll down until you find the Installer node and click the arrow symbol to expand the node tree another level. Repeat the process for the Product, Product Key Value, and SourceList nodes, as displayed below.

Click on the Media node, which is a leaf node in the Registry tree. Click on the Name 1 and then click the Edit menu option. Within the drop down menu, click on the Modify… option to edit the Data value.
then change to

change the value to C:\Users\vinay\AppData\Local\Temp\{CCCB869D-AD3F-4CF2-B000-EDFA5B620D10}\
done… now you can work on Oracle XE on windows 64 bit machine.May be oracle will support 64 bit in 12 c. till that time enjoy
Happy coding with Vinay Kumar in Techartifact.