Get the display value of selectonechoice or LOV in bean – Oracle ADF

I found one approach to get the display value of LOV in managed bean using  ADFUtils.evaluateEl method.

Say if you have a value change listener for an lov,  valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() gives the index of the value. To get the display value of the lov, use below logic  :

public void onDeptNameChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {

Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString()+
String deptNameStr = deptNameAttribute .toString();  // This should have the selected display value of lov.

Say if you want to access the display value of LOV, in any other method, other than valueChange listener, then use below code :

Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+ADFUtils.getBoundAttributeValue("deptId")+"'].label}");

Here deptId is the code of this lov.  Hope this is helpful.

Happy learning with Techartifact……

Oracle ADF certification

Yesterday, I had given the Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Essentials exam (1Z0-554). I passed it and I am now an Application Development Framework Implementation specialist.
Tricky questions were based on ADF BC (Business Components) & ADF UI. Having BC experience is a must for taking the exam. There were 79 questions that i had to answer in 105 minutes .Passing percentage 61%. I completed in around 75 minutes. The questions were above standard and i enjoyed the test .There are few question of Many to many relationship between Table as well.

Tips for new candidates -Tricky question based on life cycle .Focus on ADF BC. Reuse example

For more details, check this:

O_Certified Specialist_clr

Soon i will posting more article not questions for sure , which helps for preparation of this exam.

Happy leaning with Vinay Kumar in Techartifact…..

Fetching server name and port number for ADF application

Requirement – How to get server name and server port.
Solutions- You can get this information in by writing below code in java

FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) fctx.getExternalContext ().GetRequest ();
String serverName = request.getServerName();
int serverPort =request.getServerPort();
System.out.println ("Server Name:" + serverName);
System.out.println ("Server Port no:" + server port);

Happy coding with Vinay Kumar in Techartifact.