You can override prepareSession() in your custom Application Module class to do session-specific initializations, such as invoking a stored procedure to initialize the database state for the specific user, store user information, set application-wide configuration parameters based on the user and so on. You may extend the default implementation, as is often nessesary, in order to satisfy various pre-condtions such as user authorization etc. For example, to lock a specific view (E.g. UserView) to only show records with the users own initials (CLB in my case), the following could be done:.The framework invokes prepareSession() when the Application Module is first checked-out from the Application Module pool for a new user session.
protected void prepareSession(Session session) {
// do session-specific initializations
For example we can write the code i.e
public void prepareSession(SessionData sessionData) {
// Retrieve the J2EE user ID
String authenticatedUser = getUserPrincipalName();
if ((authenticatedUser != null) &&
(authenticatedUser.trim().length() > 0)) {
DBTransactionImpl dbTransaction = (DBTransactionImpl)getDBTransaction();
// Parameter for database procedure
String pApplication = "TUHRA";
// Transaction statement with procedure call
CallableStatement callableStmt =
dbTransaction.createCallableStatement(("BEGIN " +
"security_pkg.set_security_context(?, ?); " +
"END;"), 0);
try {
// Register parameters and call procedure
callableStmt.setString(1, authenticatedUser);
callableStmt.setString(2, pApplication);
} catch (SQLException sqlExcept) {
throw new JboException(sqlExcept);
} finally {
try {
if (callableStmt != null) {
} catch (SQLException closeExcept) {
throw new JboException(closeExcept);