I created this documents long time back.Thought of sharing with everyone. For ADF developer , it good to have forms knowledge.
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Latest tip and information on Java and Oracle Fusion Middleware/Weblogic
I created this documents long time back.Thought of sharing with everyone. For ADF developer , it good to have forms knowledge.
Happy coding with Techartifact. 🙂
The folks at Packt asked me to review another of their book on Learning RaphaelJS If you are interested in buying it (a judgment you may reserve until after you have read the review)RaphaelJS is on packt site
this is link you can go . RaphaelJS is on packt site
A.Krishna sagar is a professional web developer and designer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with various frontend web technologies. He is a technical enthusiast specializing in frontend development (JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Canvas, RaphaelJS, WebGL, and Google Maps JavaScript API), with over 4 years of industrial experience
The first thing you will probably notice is the size of the document. This is summary of the new features. This is small book of over 62 pages covering to learn a new java script library with a full index in the back. This features comprise of following features:-
-> Create simple geometric shapes
-> Animate the shapes dynamically into anything
-> Create almost any possible shape with a simple technique
-> Add DOM events to any shape created
-> Use Raphael JS in a practical environment
-> Scale the drawing to any size without losing quality
-> Create interactive shapes and drawings
RaphaelJS is a vector graphics library, which is used to draw objects in the browser. In this section, we will see what RaphaelJS is, how it is different from other similar drawing libraries, and how it sets itself apart from HTML5 Canvas This book has especially been created to provide you with all the information that you need to set up RaphaelJS. You will learn the basics of RaphaelJS, get started with building your first script, and discover some tips and tricks for using RaphaelJS.
It describer how to download and install RaphaelJS with minimum fuss and then set it up so that you can use it as soon as possible.
OVer all i can say this book for beginner. You can also download the code which is available with the book
Happy coding with Techartifact and packt…
I had a application which is based on JSR 168 portlet.We need to deploy it on webcenter 11g. What are key things which we should keep in mind.
-> your JSR 168 portlet WSRP 1.0 or 2.0 enabled.
-> WebCenter can only integrate WSRP enabled portlets
-> Portlet needs to have the valid web service endpoint to act as a WSRP endpoint.
When you use Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse to import JSR 286 portlets into an existing web application that contains JSR 168 portlets or portlet which is based on JSR 168 built in 10g enviroment– the existing portlet.xml is upgraded to the JSR 286 schema. (Note that if you import portlets manually, by editing the schema files, this upgrade will not occur automatically.) In most cases, the JSR 168 portlets will continue to work exactly as they did before.
The WLP JSR 286 portlet container invokes a JSR 168 compatibility mode for a portlet if either of the following are true:
The portlet.xml in which the portlet is defined has an XML namespace that does not contain portlet-app_2_0 (it is a JSR168 portlet.xml file). If a file exists in the web application named /WEB-INF/oracle-portlet.xml, the WebCenter JSR 168 compatibility mode is invoked; otherwise, the WLP JSR 168 compatibility mode is not invoked.The container runtime option com.oracle.portlet.compatibilityMode is set to owlp168 (WLP JSR 168 compatibility mode) or owc168 (WebCenter JSR 168 compatibility mode). This allows JSR 286 portlets and JSR 168 portlets from WLP and/or WebCenter to co-exist in the same web application.Any hide-portlet entries with a value of true will automatically be converted to a false value for the container runtime option com.oracle.portlet.offerPortletOverWsrp if no value for that container runtime option is specified in the portlet.xml file.
When you upgrade a 10g portlet producer application, the WebCenter migrator deletes oracle-portlet.xml and upgrades portlet.xml. It converts the navigation parameters stored in oracle-portlet.xml into public render parameters and adds them to portlet.xml. If weblogic-portlet.xml exists, it is retained as is.
The migration of a JSR 168 portlet producer application to JSR 286 is fully automated; it does not require you to perform any additional manual steps. However, based on the warnings that may be displayed in the log panel during migration, you may want to make additional changes to portlets. The following tables describe how various parameters in the oracle-portlet.xml file of a JSR 168 portlet producer application are handled in portlet.xml of a JSR 286 portlet producer application.In Oracle WebCenter 10g, Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge is based on and conforms to JSR 301, whereas in Oracle WebCenter 11g, Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge conforms to JSR 329.
In JDeveloper 11g, when you open for the first time an existing portlet producer application containing JSR 168 portlets, portlets are automatically upgraded to be JSR 286 compliant. If the application is a portlet bridge application, it is further automatically upgraded to be JSR 329-compliant.
Happy coding with Techartifact