You can try like this
<c:set var="baseURL" value="#{yourbean.value}/addintonaltext"/> <a href="${baseURL}"/>
In this way you can access values from bean to html tag-
Latest tip and information on Java and Oracle Fusion Middleware/Weblogic
You can try like this
<c:set var="baseURL" value="#{yourbean.value}/addintonaltext"/> <a href="${baseURL}"/>
In this way you can access values from bean to html tag-
Requirement -Get value of the outputtext in javascript and send it to backing bean in Oracle ADF
Solution – We will use clientListener to call java script function and Serverlistener for calling java function
Below is the code for accomplish this
– page code
<af:outputText value="value outputText" id="ot32" clientComponent="true" shortDesc="shortDesc"> <af:clientListener type="mouseOver" method="customJsFunction"/> <af:serverListener type="mycustomserverEvent" method="#{OutputTextCase11.handleServerEvent}"/> </af:outputText> <br></br> <af:outputText value="Init" shortDesc="shortDesc" id="ot1" clientComponent="true"/>
– find javascript function code
var customJsFunction = function(event) { var exceptiondata = event.getSource().findComponent("ot32").getValue(); AdfCustomEvent.queue(event.getSource(), "mycustomserverEvent", {param1:exceptiondata}, true); return true; }
– method in bean
public void handleServerEvent(ClientEvent ce) { String param = (String)ce.getParameters().get("param1"); RichOutputText outputText=(RichOutputText)ce.getComponent().findComponent("ot1"); outputText.setShortDesc(param); outputText.setValue(param); AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(outputText); }
happy coding with Vinay in techartifact….
I found one approach to get the display value of LOV in managed bean using ADFUtils.evaluateEl method.
Say if you have a value change listener for an lov, valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() gives the index of the value. To get the display value of the lov, use below logic :
public void onDeptNameChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString()+ "'].label}"); String deptNameStr = deptNameAttribute .toString(); // This should have the selected display value of lov. }
Say if you want to access the display value of LOV, in any other method, other than valueChange listener, then use below code :
Object deptNameAttribute = ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.deptName.items['"+ADFUtils.getBoundAttributeValue("deptId")+"'].label}");
Here deptId is the code of this lov. Hope this is helpful.
Happy learning with Techartifact……