Requirement – I am working on tricky requirement where i have two child component and one child LOV.How to do that?
Solution- Well if you have working knowledge of cascading LOV in then we pass bind parameter of parent LOV attribute in child LOV View Accessor(VA) . But in this scenario , we have two master LOV. then we will be doing by passing through managed bean, using Application module session .
What i have done.I have used HR schema .
I have 3 view object. one as country table of HR schema.One View object for location table.One view which have all transient attribute and consider to be main view object.

As i found this approach in Jobinesh’s blog- i write a custom method in as below –
public void setLocationIDSessionData(String locId){
System.out.println("hello 232323&&&"+locId);
this.getSession().getUserData().put("LocationId", locId);
I have getUserData method of applicationModule interface which returns a java.util.Hashtable which may be used to store user specific context that is related to this application session.
Read all other method related to this
Ok, coming back to this requirement – I used a managed bean in backing bean scope where i executed the binding of applicationModuleImpl custom method as below –
public void executec(String valueChangeEvent) {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
OperationBinding op =
Here we are passing the value of both LOV to locationId to custom applicationModuleImpl method.In both parent LOV , i create valuechangeEvent method , which get the current selected countryId and pass to custom applicationModuleImpl method. that is below –
public void VC(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
System.out.println("hello &&&"+valueChangeEvent.getNewValue());
public void vc2(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
System.out.println("hello &&&34343"+valueChangeEvent.getNewValue());
Now we have final task, we have to set the value of child lov bind parameter in child View Accessor as adf.userSession.userData.LocationId –

That’s we will run the jspx , which have all 3 lov.2 parent and one child LOV.
for displaying LOV , we need to click on create button.after click you can see all 3 LOVs.

After selecting county as CH from countryLov1 , we will see different values in location ID.

Now we will select country as IN from countryLov2 , we will see different values in location ID.

You can download the sample application here.
Happy coding with Vinay kumar in techartifact….