programmatically navigate to particulart taskflow in ADF | Techartifact

Requirement-How to programmatically navigate to particulart taskflow in ADF.


Following code show the sample code for navigating to particular taskflow using code.You can write it down in some managed bean

        TabContext tabContext = TabContext.getCurrentInstance();
        tabContext.setMainContent("/WEB-INF/flows/Global-Search.xml#Global-Search");// Global-Search is name of taskflow.

Import statement

import oracle.ui.pattern.dynamicShell.TabContext;
import oracle.ui.pattern.dynamicShell.TabContext.TabContentAreaDirtyException;

happy coding with techartifact ..This is end of 2012. Overall a great year. Lot of changes in Techartifact.

Note: this is only valid when you using Dynamic UI shell template.
Wishing you all a very prosperous Happy new Year enjoy …. 🙂