Do your Webcenter portal performance analysis

Performance Analysis of a Portal application or any application look tedious and tricky task .Reason portal application consist of various other task flow from different resources.Talking for webcenter portal portal application have awesome feature of performance analysis called Portal Page Performance Analyzer. With WebCenter Portal however, this process becomes extremely simple and efficient.

The portal page analyzer offers a simple way to diagnose slow pages and requires minimal set up or configuration. When this feature is on, the time spent on “high level” page components is calculated and displayed so you can see at a glance which components are slowing down your page. The overall time spent on the page also displays at the top left of the page


In WebCenter Portal, “high level” page components are wrapped in a ShowDetailFrame so they can be moved, hidden or shown on the page, and edited by Oracle Composer and it is the overall timing for each ShowDetailFrame that displays.Since ShowDetailFrames enclose task flow regions on a page, this feature lets you instrument WebCenter pages on the basis of individual task flows. When enabled, you can visually analyze the performance of every single task flow on the page like this.

This feature is default by default.User have to turn on this feature.

How to enable/turn on this feature – -You can do by MDS need to update the metadata in webcenter-config.xml using WLST command of exportMetaData/importMetadata.


-> exportMetadata(application=’webcenter’, server=’WC_Spaces’, toLocation=’/tmp/mydata’, docs=’/oracle/webcenter/webcenterapp/metadata/webcenter-config.xml’)

-> Open webcenter-config.xml exported from MDS in a text editor and set the perfdebug-enabled attribute to true to enable or false to disable this feature.

For example:


-> Save and close webcenter-config.xml.

-> Import the updated webcenter-config.xml file to MDS.

-> importMetadata(application=’webcenter’, server=’WC_Spaces’, fromLocation=’/tmp/mydata’, docs=’/oracle/webcenter/webcenterapp/metadata/webcenter-config.xml’)

See how to run/excute exportMetaData/importMetadata command or update metadata in webcenter-config.xml

After this- any page in WebCenter Portal can be tested. To test a page, simply append ‘perfDebug=on’ to the end of the URL to the page.


Now you can get information, which task flow, or slow page which create problem.Enter the task flow and page and kill the problem . 😛

Note – The one condition for this method to work, in the Task Flow binding properties, the Task Flow activation should be set to deferred (which is the default in

Hiding Page Timing Information for Your Current Session– set &perfDebug=off in end of url.

Stop displaying page performance information – &perfDebug=off

Happy performance analysis with Vinay Kumar in techartifact….

Jdeveloper internal error- resolve

Today i installed jdev 12 and while deploying i got very weird error like.This solution applicable, whenever you get error related to jdeveloper internal error.


I don;t have clue about it.After i dig more into it.Problem is that system11.1.x.x.x folder of jdeveloper.If you installed earlier old version and then you installed new version, sometime it got confused and system folder doesnt rename automaticallyFix for this either you rename the system folder or delete it and restart jdeveloper.

When JDeveloper detects an other system11.x.x.x folder on your system, it asks you if you want to migrate from the other version. In this dialog you can select or search (if you click the magnifying glass) a version to migrate from. You can force the dialog to appear if you start JDeveloper with the option ‘-migrate’ from a command shell.

You should be careful with the migration as it tends to migrate any error too. So if you have to delete the system11.x.x.x folder because of an error, you should first rename the folder, answer the dialog with ‘No’ and see if the problem is solved. Then you can delete the freshly created system11.x.x.x folder and try again with migrating from the renamed folder. If you are lucky the error will not be migrated. After any such action you should check the preferences again, as all changes you made have been erased.

You can get system11.x.x.xfolder path on location in the “Users\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\” Folder (windows), as long as you did not specify an other location by changing an environment variable or changing the jdev.boot file.

you can these location in jdeveoper->help->about


Integration of BIRT Report with Oracle ADF

Requirement -Using BIRT Report with Oracle ADF

Solution –
JDK 1.6
Weblogic 10
Birt runtime 2.6.2

-> Download birt_runtime_2_6_2 from
-> Extract the content to a folder
-> From the WebViewerExample sub folder, copy lib, platform, tlds folders and server-config.wsdd to WEB-INF of the ViewController project of your ADF application
-> From the WebViewerExample sub folder, copy webcontent, scriptlib, report and logs folders to public_html folder of the ViewController project of the ADF application
-> Create a folder named reports in public_html folder of the project. This will contain all the rptdesign files.
-> Edit web.xml of your project to reflect all the contents of the web.xml of WebViewerExample of birt runtime
-> Because weblogic has an older version of js.jar of rhino, download rhino.jar from to WEB-INF\lib folder of ViewController project and add it in your project library classpath.
-> In order to have this rhino take precedence over the older version, edit weblogic-application.xml to include the following in the Application Preferred Packages under Class Loading tab;
org.mozilla.javascript.* and
-> At this point, you can run your reports from a backing bean as follows;

 public void call_report() 

FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)ctx.getExternalContext().getRequest();
// Redirect browser
url = request.getContextPath()+"/frameset?__report=reports/test.rptdesign";
try {
//url = ctx.getExternalContext().encodeResourceURL(url);
} catch (IOException e) {
message = new FacesMessage(
FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, e.getMessage(), "");
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);

If you get “Error: Java code in jsp source files is not allowed in mode” when running jspx applications, you need to enable user customizations.
In Jdeveloper workspace,
1. Go to Project Property
2. Go to ADF View
3. Enable User Customizations
4. check on Across Sessions using MDS
Also you need to either adapt your code to remove the scriptlets in your JSP page,
or you can use the following Java option to disable OJSP:
You can add this option -Dadfvdt.disableOjspDeployment=true in your file “ide.conf” in the directory “\jdeveloper\ide\bin”
For your Production environment, you can have your Managed WLS ignoring the OJSP mode by adding the Java Option -Dadfvdt.disableOjspDeployment=true
* in the “startManagedWebLogic” (if you want to limit it to a specific Managed Server)
* or “setDomainEnv” (for all managed servers in a domain).

-> Ensure that you have the same version of birt_runtime corresponding to the version of rpt design files
-> birt 2.6.2 is not compatible with google chrome. (works well with ie and firefox)

I found this information in OTN. Special thanks to -Michael Ekeagbara

Happy coding with Vinay Kumar in techartifact.