java.lang.OutOfMemory Java Heap Space error in JDeveloper

Quite annoying error and you don’t know what went wrong.

Well you can resolve by yourself.

First step – Search for ide.conf and jdev.conf in you JDeveloper installation folder like …/jdeveloper/ide/bin/ide.conf

Second step-In ide.conf file, copy extactly these properties into that.
AddVMOption -Xmx940M
AddVMOption -Xms128M

Third Step – In jdev.conf file, make sure the following properties are set exactly the same
AddVMOption -XX:MaxPermSize=356M

Fourth Step – Disable the SVN versioning system that is built into JDeveloper.Uncheck the checkbox for Subversion for example support for GIT

In JDeveloper -> Choose Versioning menu -> Choose Configure -> Uncheck “Versioning support for Subversion”

Happy learning with Vinay in Techartifact…..

Real World ADF Design & Architecture Principles session

I was not able to blog for last few days.I was attending 5 days intensive training By Chris Muir and Frank Nimphuis (Oracle ADF Product manager) in Munich.Beside this meeting with more ADF geeks is really fun like Andreas and Ulrich.

Below pics are of Session including me.

They talk about each topic on ADF from Design and architecture point.From Reusable task flow to Data Control Frame.
Best way to deploy ADF applications.Different architecture of ADF applications.Various option of build and different tools with ADF.Following other topic in session

– Integration of Service
– Project Dependinces
– ADF Security
– MDS and Customization
– Task Flow communication
– Error handling and logging
– Etc etc….

A Worth Spending session with Chris and Frank

convert af:inputText to upperCase,lowerCase,capitalize in Oracle ADF

Requirement- We need to show value in input text into uppercase,lower or capitalize.There is a way to do this by setting contentStyle of the input text.

For UpperCase- <af:inputText label="name" id="it1" contentStyle="text-transform:uppercase;"/>

For LowerCase- <af:inputText label="name" id="it1" contentStyle="text-transform:lowercase;"/>

For InitCap-  <af:inputText label="name" id="it1" contentStyle="text-transform:capitalize;"/>

Note: – This is only used in displaying.When you commit, it will save as what user entered in the input text.

Using Java script –

<af:resource type="javascript">
  function changeToUpper(event) {
      var inputComp = event.getCurrentTarget();

<af:inputText value="#{bindings.EmpName.inputValue}"
    shortDesc="#{bindings.EmpName.hints.tooltip}" id="it2"
 <f:validator binding="#{bindings.EmpName.validator}"/>
 <af:clientListener type="keyUp" method="changeToUpper"/>

It will trigger the javascript function which will fetch value of inputText and set to upper case.

Another way of doing this.Override voImpl method like below

public void setEmpName(String value) {
setAttributeInternal(EmpName, value.toUpperCase());

Happy coding with Vinay in Techartifact….. 🙂