WebCenter PS6 ( Released

Version PS6 ( of WebCenter has been released on 1st of April, 2013.Don’t know why they choose april fool day. PS6 includes many bug fixes in addition to enhancements to the WebCenter Content Application Extension Framework (AXF) supporting integrations with E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft.A rundown of the new Jdev Enhancements can be seen here


There will be one major version (PS7) of WebCenter by end of 2013. In this release, following are some highlights I learned from Oracle:-

1. there is no more two solutions (Spaces & Portal) for WebCenter. Spaces will be the part of WebCenter Framework. Only one concept that is PORTAL.

2. We can create multiple portal from Web Interface.

3. You can import/export portal archive (PAR exactly like JAR/WAR/MAR) from/to Web to/from JDeveloper for complex customization.

4. All types of popup windows will be eliminated from portal.

5. You can drag and drop Web 2.0 components and taskflows on to the page from resource catalogue.

6. Migration among different environments is easy due to PAR.

Dynamically changing query in view object in Oracle ADF

I have also written in my past post that how can you change the query my old post to change query . Here is another way.

Sometime requirements can be dynamically change SQL query where clause in View Object. I found on internet .so for the reference, i am sharing.

To use this functionality, you need to override buildWhereClause(StringBuffer sqlBuffer, int noBindVars) method in view object implementation. You use sqlBuffer parameter in this method (which contains SQL query where in StringBuffer) to change SQL in correlation to you needs. Just replace, remove, add string in this parameter. Just remember to use same bind variables names which will be use in VO SQL call (generic bind variables names are named like :vc_temp_1, :vc_temp_2,…).

        protected boolean buildWhereClause(StringBuffer sqlBuffer, int noBindVars) {  
            //call super and see if there is where clause.  
            boolean hasWhereClause = super.buildWhereClause(sqlBuffer, noBindVars);  
            if (hasWhereClause) {   
                //modify existing where query.  
            else {   
                //or if you add where clause then return true;  
                hasWhereClause = false;   
            return hasWhereClause;  

executing Javascript in Java in Oracle ADF

Requirment- Sometime we want to execute javascript from Java in ADF.How to achieve this.below code tell you about this.

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;

FacesContext fctxObj = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExtendedRenderKitService eRKS =
Service.getRenderKitService(fctxObj , ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
String javaScriptCode = "alert( "+"Het you executed javascript in Java .Hurray vinay"+");";
eRKS.addScript(fctxObj , javaScriptCode );

Thats it. enjoy. Happy coding with Techartifact with Vinay Kumar….. 🙂